Navigate The Funding Process

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Engagement facilitates 世界杯官方app's relationships with partners from foundations and corporations. CFE officers are eager to partner with faculty members, staff and students from all colleges, centers, and institutes at 世界杯官方app to secure institutional support for projects, research, and programs. We are available to assist you throughout all the stages of the funding process.

How can we assist you?

  • Research funding opportunities.
  • Provide current knowledge on individual corporate and foundation interests and timelines.
  • Advise faculty and staff in all phases of proposal development, including outreach strategies, concept papers, letters of intent/inquiry, and proposal narratives that will resonate with corporations and foundations.
  • Coordinate visits and events between 世界杯官方app and corporations and foundations.
  • Gift accounting and stewardship procedures.

Corporations often prefer to have holistic partnerships with universities that are managed centrally. Before contacting a corporation, please contact us about the company or foundation of interest. This does not preclude you from seeking project funding, but it will require review to be considered as part of 世界杯官方app's funding strategy.

What are limited submission funding opportunities?

Limited submissions are funding opportunities whereby a private foundation or corporation limits the number of applications an institution can submit, which often means accepting one application for any project per year. The Office of Research Services manages these opportunities. For more information please visit The Office of Research or email

Intake forms for potential projects should be sent to

Please contact us for more information or contact your Development Officer to begin the process.